Software Reference

Managing Projects/Activities: Overview

Table of Contents  > Managing Projects/Activities > Managing Projects/Activities: Overview

Projects and Activities allow administrators the ability to control bill and pay rates for specific tasks, as well as give client a more detailed breakdown of how your services were performed.

The system allows you to create as many projects as you want for a particular client. Projects give you the advantage of organization. You can track how much work is being completed per project, breakout each project on your invoices, and even assign override billing or pay rates. Projects are particularly useful when you have a long term, repeat client that contracts you for multiple projects.

Activities are slightly different. They also give you the advantage of organization. You can group invoices by activity and assign override rates, as well. Activities, however, are intended to be used across all of your clients and projects. Activities are general types of tasks that your business performs on a regular basis. For example, a private investigator firm might have an activity called "Surveillance". A law firm might have an activity called "contract review." Projects give you the advantage of organization. You can track how much work is being completed per project, breakout each project on your invoices, and even assign override billing or pay rates.

The system keeps track of the activities you create and allows you to assign them to projects. You do not have to allow every activity for every project. You can also choose to have no activities whatsoever. When you or your workers enter hours or fixed-price items, the system will detect whether the chosen project has activities available and will present the user with a choice of activities. In the invoice settings screen, you can configure whether an invoice breaks out the information by project and/or activity so you can control exactly what the client sees.