Software Reference

Payment Form: Explanation of Fields

Table of Contents  > Invoicing and Accounting > The Accounting Center > Payments > Payment Form: Explanation of Fields
Payment Header

Client: Pick any client from the drop-down list. Notice that the total amount due or (owed) to this client populates automatically. The client's outstanding invoices also show up in the list below.

Date: This field will default to today's date but you can change it to a different payment date.

Payment Method: Choose between ACH Deposit, Cash, CC, Check, or Credit.

Check #: Enter the check number, if applicable.

CC #: Enter the credit card number, if applicable.

Amount #: Enter the amount of the payment received. Notice that once entered, the invoices below update with payment status.

Notes: Type any additional information associated with the payment into this field.

Invoice Detail

Below is an explanation of the columns that appear with invoice detail that shows up when a client is selected.

Before a payment amount is entered, the following column will appear.

Status Upon Save: This basically shows what the current state of the invoice is, and is what it will remain if no amount is entered.

Date: The invoice date.

Invoice #: The invoice number

Invoice Total: The total originally due for the invoice.

Amount Still Due: The amount still outstanding.

Once a payment amount is entered, the following two additional columns will appear.

Payment To Be Applied: This is the amount the EYH System will apply to the invoice based on the priority of aging (oldest invoices are paid first) and the amount of the payment being entered.

Will Be Due After Save: Assuming you save the payment, this is the amount that will still be outstanding for the invoice. In other words, this is the amount you will see in the Amount Still Due column for this invoice the next time you enter a payment.