Software Reference

Removing a Client or Worker from a Bill Batch

Table of Contents  > Invoicing and Accounting > The Accounting Center > Bill Batches > Removing a Client or Worker from a Bill Batch

From the Bill Batches Tab, find the bill batch record containing the client or worker you would like to remove. If you have created an invoice for the client, you will not be able to remove the client from the bill batch record. In the client's row, click the Remove from Batch link in the Commands column. You will see the client's row remove itself from the Bill Batch and the numbers for totals for the Bill Batch will be updated accordingly. Additionally, the items that were associated with the client will now appear in the Unbilled Items area at the top of the Invoicing Screen.

The process is the same with the worker, however, the worker will only be removed from the client it is underneath. Also, you will not be able to remove any worker underneath a client if that client has been invoiced.