Software Reference

Entering Your Own Fixed-Price Items & Expenses: Quick How To

Table of Contents  > Time & Sales Screen > Fixed-Price Items & Expenses > Entering Your Own Fixed-Price Items & Expenses: Quick How To

If you are a non-billing administrator, you can skip this section, but make sure to read the Entering Expenses for Your Worker section, so you have an idea of how a worker enters expenses.

If you are not already on the Time & Sales Screen, click the Time & Sales tab in the top toolbar. At the top of the screen, in the Enter Hours section, you will see three radio buttons. Choose the one labeled "Fixed-Price / Expenses". If you wish to enter a Reimbursable expense, click the Reimbursable Expense checkbox. If you wish to enter a fixed-price items such a product or service, leave the Reimbursable Expense checkbox blank.

Starting from the top of the screen, pick the date, the amount of the expense, the client, and the project (all clients have at least one project called Miscellaneous), and a description. If the Worker drop-down is not defaulted to your name, make sure you select yourself from the list. Click the Add Fixed Price Item button and you are done.
If you selected the Reimbursable Expense checkbox, the entry will appear in the Expenses Tab of the Daily History area. If you didn't select Reimbursable Expense, the entry will appear in the Fixed Price Items Tab.
What is the difference between a fixed price item and an expense?

The difference becomes more pronounced when you have workers who expense items for a client. By selecting an item to be a Reimbursable Expense, you ensure that the both the client will be invoiced for the item, and worker will be paid for it.