Software Reference

Viewing the Client's Trust Register

Table of Contents  > Invoicing and Accounting > Trust Accounting > Viewing the Client's Trust Register

You will not be able to use any of the trust accounting features if you don't turn the option on in Settings->General Screen as shown below.

Trust Account Setting

The Trust Register is the key report when you use trust accounting. The Trust Register allows you to see all the activity for a client's trust account, including deposits, adjustments, and payments. You can access report by navigating to the Invoicing tab, and clicking on the Aging Report tab in the Accounting Center. Next to each client will be a link for the Trust Account Register.
Trust Account Register

The sample Trust Register below includes all of the different types of trust activity. A complete list of the different types of trust activity will follow. Notice that the trust account went negative in this example. We do not condone this practice, but merely are illustrating that does not validate your accounting practices, nor will it prevent you from taking an account negative.
Trust Account Register Report

Different Types of Trust Activity

      Deposit: A trust account deposit was entered in the Time & Sales screen.

      Withdrawal: A trust account withdrawal was entered in the Time & Sales (same as a deposit, but with a negative number). You will receive and warning message, but the system will allow you to perform this function.

      Void Deposit: A trust account entry from the Time & Sales screen was deleted.

      Deposit Adjust: A trust account entry from the Time & Sales screen was edited.

      Withdrawal for Payment: A payment taken from the trust account to pay an invoice. This occurs when a payment is entered with Trust Account selected as the payment type.

      Void Payment: A payment taken from the trust account was deleted.

      Payment Adjust: A payment taken from the trust account was edited.