Software Reference

Managing Clients: Quick How To

Table of Contents  > Managing Clients > Managing Clients: Quick How To

To some extent, the Clients Screen is like a Contact Manager, but the main purpose of the data is for billing hours and sending invoices. You only need to enter a client's information once and then that client's information can be used throughout the rest of the system. Before you can input any hourly work or expenses for a client, you will need to add the client in the Add/Edit Client Tab. It's important that every client has an Hourly Rate (you can apply overrides per worker), and if you plan to use the System to email an invoice to a client, you will need to enter an Accounting Email.

The Clients Screen is divided into two tabs. The Client List Tab and the Client Details Tab. On the Client List Tab you can see a quick snapshot of your clients, view their projects, and add additional projects. You can also filter, search, sort, print and export the client list. Click on the Edit link in any client row, and you can jump to the client's record in the Client Details Tab. From there you can make any change you'd like to the client's details and click the Save Changes button. To add a new client, click the Client Details Tab and complete as much information as you'd like (all fields with an asterisk (*) are required). Click the Add New Client button. To deactivate a client, click the Deactivate link on the client's row in the Client List Tab.