Software Reference

Quote Form: Explanation of Fields

Table of Contents  > Invoicing and Accounting > The Accounting Center > Quotes > Quote Form: Explanation of Fields
Quote Header

Client (required): Pick any client from the drop-down list. Notice that the Submit-To information populates automatically. If the Bill-To information does not populate, you can supply this information by editing the client record in the in the Manage Clients Screen.

Quote #: This will always be created automatically. The System will determine the next Quote # based on your quote settings. These can be changed at any time on the Invoice Settings Tab.

Date: This field will default to today's date but you can change it to whatever date you'd like.

Submit-To: (see Client above).

Total: Calculated automatically from the quote detail lines.

Quote Detail Lines

Category: You can pick any category from the drop down list. If your desired category isn't in the list, you can add more categories from the Invoice Settings Tab in the Settings Screen.

Description: You can type any quote line description up to 80 characters.

Quantity and Rate: The line total will be automatically calculated, and the quote total in the top right corner will be updated.

Markup: You can add an additional markup to the price. The client will not see the markup split out on the printout. The markup should be expressed as a dollar amount. For example, if you type 5, it will add $5 to the price and then multiply it by the quantity to calculate the line total.